Name: Rahmatul Hasanah Class: 12IBB Absen: 26 Recount text Science is conscious endeavors for awareness, discovering and enhancing human understanding of the various correct facets of the human realm. With science we can get a lot of knowledge that we didn't know before. Science can make people more useful to many people. The knowledge we acquire can also be given to people around us. Especially during this pandemic, all schools are closed and schools that use the online system, which require cell phones, laptops or computers and a stable network. However, not all students can understand what the material is conveyed when they are brave. So we as people who are aware during this pandemic, we can help educate those who are still at an early age. Provides knowledge about the subject matter and can also provide knowledge about survival in this pandemic state. With this, it is hoped that students will still be able to get their rights to knowledge.
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